Sustainability and Certifications
Bamboo to Save the World - Beyond Sustainable
Dr. ir. Pablo van der Lugt
Sustainability Manager MOSO International B.V., the Netherlands

The sustainability, safety and quality of MOSO® Bamboo products is independently proven by the most respected ecolabels and certification programs in the market.
FSC® certification
FSC® is globally recognized as the best and most stringent sustainable forestry certification system in the wood industry. FSC® certification is also available for bamboo. As pioneer in the bamboo industry, MOSO is able to provide bamboo products with FSC® certification.
The leading green building certification programs worldwide. Application of MOSO® Bamboo products can contribute to various credits for LEED and BREEAM.
Contribution LEED BD+C – v4: SS 7, MR1, MR2, EQ2, MR3 (FSC®)
v2009: MR 6, MR 7 (FSC®), IEQ4.3, IEQ 4.4 (if requested as E0) -
Contribution BREEAM: HEA 2, MAT 1, MAT 3 (FSC®), MAT 5 (HD)
WUI approved decking and siding
MOSO® Bamboo decking and siding boards have been tested and approved for use in Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) zones. The first and only bamboo decking and siding boards can therefore be applied in all regions in the US and Canada. Thanks to the unique Thermo-Density® production process, the material is fire resistant without the use of ecologically unfriendly and expensive fire retardants.
** Canadian standard: CAN/ULC-S102 achieved indexes for Flame Spread of 25 and Smoke Developed of 45
Durability class
European Standard EN 350 guides the methods used for determining and classifying the durability of wood and bamboo regarding biological, wood-destroying fungi. The natural durability of wood and bamboo classifications range from 1 (very durable) to 5 (not durable). Using the EN 350 standard, there are two laboratory methods for determining durability: CEN/TS 15083-2 for the application of products in direct ground contact and CEN/TS 15083-1 for the application of products without ground contact.
In both tests MOSO® Bamboo products achieved the highest durability class attainable (Class 1, very durable), concluding that the products can be applied with or without ground contact.
Use class
European standard EN 335 defines five Use Classes which represent different service situations to which wood and bamboo products can be exposed. EN 335 provides information regarding the presence of biological fungi in the different Use Classes, ranging from 5 (most heavy-duty situation, permanently in salt water) to Class 1 (lightest use situation, interior dry).
MOSO® Bamboo products meet the highest durability class following CEN/TS 15083-2 and CEN/TS 15083-1 (Class 1, very durable). Our thermally treated and compressed bamboo products can be applied in situations up to Use Class 4 (exterior in ground contact).